Today is the 17th day since the last egg was laid and we now have one head bobbing around inside the nest. While mama was out feeding, I quietly looked inside the house and there was a little featherless, big eyed chick sleeping in the nest. I'm sure another egg hatched today. In the next few days I will wait till the parents leave and try to get a picture of the babies in the nest. They really aren't too afraid of us when we are around. Only if ma is on her nest and we stick our heads too close or make a loud noise will she fly out. We also get scolded when she wants to come back. Mr. and Mrs. will do a lot of chattering and fly from chair to chair and from one end of the porch to the other.
When we move away and stay quiet, then will she fly right to the house and enter with a small insect or worm in her beak. It's so cute. So as soon as I get a good shot of the chicks I will post them.
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