Friday, January 17, 2014

Second Day Of The Show

It's the second day of the show, we are up early and it is pretty cold outside. I feel so bad when I'm walking the little creature. She shivers and the wet grass gets her paws soaked wet. Daiseymae seems to handle it much better. We are off again down the main road from hell, traffic not so bad this time.  We decided no matter what side McDonalds  is on we would stop.    WAIT! Duncan Donut straight you got it  glazed donut, egg croissant, and coffee.  Sorry McDonald's, catch you next time.  Anyhow realized all the coupons I have are for Tennessee and can't use them here.

Arriving to the Fairgrounds and parking this time was much better.  Although they put us way on the other side of where we wanted to be.  Found out that yesterday because of the huge traffic jam, they had to open the parking gates and let over 600 people in free just to move traffic faster and get the traffic jam off the expressway. Found out it happened just after we arrived.

I made sure I wore several layers cause it is chilly and windy. Should have brought my gloves and scarf. Oh well, I'll deal with it. Much more crowded in the vendor building. Everyone wanting to stay in where its warm.  But again, these people with dogs that just don't want to be there. Now we just saw a guy come in with about a 200 pound, Shepard/malamute mix. I could put a saddle on him and ride him.  He took up the entire isle and wasn't moving for no one.  The ones with the dogs in strollers were cute. Dogs behaved and didn't get in your way.

We found the other vendors we were looking for and a few more. Spent more $$$$$$$. Johnny bought this squeegy thing for the windshield and as we walked around we had about half a dozen people ask where we got it.  So we walked back to the booth to tell the and he said he had sold out. Probably because of us.  Then we realized sitting in a carrying case on the floor was a little Yorkie. She was a 4 pound, long haired, with a cute bow in her hair. Just watching all the people not making any noise.  They had inherited it from his mother. Of course I had to take my phone out and show pictures.

Now during all this my friend who we are having dinner with on Friday is texting me that the restaurant we are going to doesn't allow blue jeans.  Guess what.........  So we leave the fair grounds in search of a mall for Sears or Penneys.  Took a little bit, but there is a mall with in 7 miles from the camp ground.  While we are driving there we get a call from Freight Liner, that the tech is on his way to our rig to replace a part.  We had to do a marathon run thru the store, find pants in his size, try them on quick and race back to the campground.  We both made it there at the same time. This time replacing the part (by the way was #2) worked..

So we are now settled in for the evening, walked the dogs and got dinner in the oven and both on our computers catching up on email.  This new RV is really so much more comfortable.  The layout makes it so much easier to relax and less getting into each other's way.  Still haven't sewed. Hope to on Friday after I straighten up and do some laundry. Johnny is going back to the show alone.  I'm done......been there done that....... Hopefully some of the ladies will be at the club house sewing and I can go chat with for now I'll close and catch up with you later.......

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