Friday, April 26, 2013

April 26, 2013

More rain coming in and boy can I tell.  Tomorrow, Saturday at Loretta's Sewin' Room is the 2nd of a 4 part beginning quilting class I am teaching.  I sure hope it's not raining when everyone brings their sewing machines in. In this class they will  learn to  piece together the quilt top that they cut last week. Parts 3 & 4 will be machine quilting the top ( stitch in the ditch) and then binding.  Lots of information to learn and I will have handouts for the students.  I enjoy teaching and sharing the information I have learned over the years.  And all of my students are such wonderful ladies. I  enjoy their company and friendship.  I sure hope they are enjoying the classes as much as I am enjoying teaching them. Stay tuned for more pictures when their tops are complete.  Time to pack up my lesson plan and handouts and gather the quilts I have to show them, for show and tell.