Sunday, July 14, 2013

Deer Feeding in our Back Yard

We live on 4 1/2 acres and most of our property has been kept natural.  Since we have lived here we put two bowls out in the back to feed our deer corn.  This time of year they have their babies with them.  Today we were surprised by 2 Doe's and their fawns and believe it or not a Buck. It is unusual to see a Doe and Buck together this time of year. The babies were romping in the yard while the parents ate.  I wasn't able to get the babies before they ran into the woods.  Here you can see I also captured a hummingbird landing on his feeder. Later in the evening after dinner I took the 2 dogs for their evening walk around the house and all of a sudden Daisey took off for the back yard.  The deer had come back and she decided to chase them.  They ran a little in the woods and when I called Daisey she ran to me and the deer started coming back to their bowls, then Daisey would run back and the deer would back up a little and huff at them.  They kept this up a little  like it was a game with them.  I guess after all these years they know this little 6 pound dog could not do any damage to them and is not a threat but a friend to play tag with.

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