Thursday, January 16, 2014

The RV Show Starts

Wednesday, January, 15

Off we go to the first day of the RV Show.  On the way we stop at Denny's for breakfast.  I would have settled for McDonalds, but for some crazy reason they were on the opposite side of the street going in the opposite direction we were.  Traffic was terrible and it was taking longer than expected to get to the fairgrounds.  Once we got in the area all you could see was a line of traffic that was standing still circling the parking lot.  Loads of RVs were parked in a grassy area dry camping. We slowly get to the entrance, found a parking space and shuffled off thru Gate #1.  Now you enter this sea of motor homes.  You get a map and still can't figure out where you are.  It's HUGE........ Our first stop was to the Tiffins to get a catalog that had a colored picture of our RV.  We took the picture to the booth of ladies that painted your RV on a welcome sign.   Yes I paint, and have time when?????????
We place our order and move on to wander towards one of the vendor buildings.  We have to find 2  companies who have merchandise for us and then we can do what we want.  There are all kinds of entertainment throughout the show. Singers, mimes, piano players, jazz groups, etc. kind of fun wandering around people watching and then................I run into Lois Howard a friend from home. We chat a minute and then went our ways.  Now the one thing that really bothers me is people who drag their poor dogs thru all this confusion.  Some dogs can handle it and have no problems in crowds. I know mine would not. But I watched this stupid man who was carrying a dog that was winning. Maybe he needed to go out, maybe scared, but for what ever reason he kept smacking the dog on the face and jerking its collar.  I had to walk away cause I was ready to start a scene. The majority of the dogs I saw were Yorkies.  Now it's not just because I have and love them, but because there really were Yorkies every place you looked. Made me miss my girls.  We saw this lady sitting in a chair, with a Yorkie in a sling for dogs, it's head leaning back on the ladies chest, fast asleep. I had to take a picture. Such a sweet shot.

So now we are back to the RV Park and we have to move to our new spot.  I quickly walked the dogs and while I did, Johnny got the rig ready to go a few streets down.  I followed him in the car and with walkie talkies helped him back into our new spot.  Very roomy.  And right next to the small doggie fenced in play area. There are ducks and squirrels all over and Daisey is going to love this.

Now that I'm finally settled in, I can rest my knees and sit on the couch with the girls. It's about 7 pm and Johnny is falling asleep.  Long day for him too. So the first day of the show is over.  We spent some money and got some stuff.......tomorrow is another day and is suppose to be colder.  Not looking forward to that.  But for now I will put my feet up and rest my knees. Ahhhhhhh feels good to lay back on the couch......I may just go to sleep early myself.......

1 comment:

  1. Oh my! Sounds like you had a really tiring day, with all that traffic before getting to the RV park. At least going to the RV show seems to have lessen your stress. I do hope that the next time you do go to one, it will be a little less exhausting. Hahaha! All the best to you! :)

    Cristina Hamilton @ Mount Comfort RV
